
How long do you hurt after you deliver your newborn?

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How long do you hurt after you deliver your newborn?




  1. i had one very small stitch, virtually no tearing, no episiotomy, and i swear, i felt great within a day. i am not kidding. my pregnancy was so bad, though, anything would have felt like an improvement. but, really, i had a very painless recovery time in the hospital. i wanted to go home that night! ruby was very small (healthy, just petite), so that helped.

  2. I had a second degree laceration (not too bad). I was very sore for less than a week. For another couple of weeks following that I was tender and had to be careful that I didn't slide off the bed when getting up, etc. By 3 1/2 to 4 weeks I felt 100% again.

  3. For the rest of your life.  Kids never turn out the way you'd hoped.

  4. I had a severe 2nd degree, borderline 3rd degree, tear.  it took 2 weeks for the constant pain to end and almost 6 weeks before I was healed enough to even attempt relations with my husband.  Sitting with an ice pack on that "area" and keeping my feet propped up helped a lot.

  5. depends, after a cesarean,a few weeks- a month, if you had a large tear, that will hurt a few weeks, if no large tears you can feel good a few hours after giving birth.  

  6. I had a 1st degree tear and felt better after one week. I even had s*x with my bf 2 weeks after giving birth. :)

  7. LOL, it's been 12 years now and it still hurts me...


    Seriously, my wife was sore for a few weeks after, but that was it.

  8. I had 2nd degree, borderline 3rd degree, tearing.  I hurt pretty badly for almost 4 weeks.  I was taking ibuprofen and had a prescription for darvocet, but neither helped much.  I'm at 5 weeks now, and the stitches are itching in one spot just from healing, but I feel almost 100%.  

    I did walk down the hospital hallway to a new room as soon as the dr. was done stitching me up, so I wasn't TOO bad off.

    Also, a few days/a week after delivery, I had some soreness I didn't expect-- I decribed it then as feeling like I'd ridden miles on a bicycle-- it was my BONES that hurt.  My SIL said it was probably my hips and such trying to shift back into a more normal position.  

    And man, you know how you always hear that the pain just disappears after you see your baby, and that you'd do it all over again, etc?  I call bullsh*t.  For weeks after, it made me sick to my stomach to think about the pain (I did it naturally), and the thought of having another baby.  The contractions were so bad that the nurses said I was drifting in and out of consciousness (my body's defense mechanism for the pain, they said), and the pushing was out of this world!  I think they tell us that just so we're not too scared to have the first baby, and then after that, we just know the joys of parenting are enough to overcome a few hours of severe pain and a few weeks of more pain.  :)

  9. My son was born almost 2 months ago (June 23) and I'm still not fully recovered yet.

    For the first week or so, I was sooo sore -- I couldn't even sit down without a pillow, but I also had a bad tear and stitches (since I had a fully natural birth) -- so it may not be as painful or sore for you!

    About 2-3 weeks after he was born, I started feeling a lot better, I wasn't as sore any more, but the bleeding continued. I've only just stopped bleeding a few days ago! And my uterus is not quite shrunk back to normal yet (so says my OB/Gyn).. so recovery has been really long for me, but it's all been bearable!

    I'm still getting there, but I'd do it again in an instant for my son.. =)

    Good luck on your recovery! <3

  10. i hurt and took pain killers for about 2 weeks. but i riped son is now 6 weeks old and i feel awsome except im still bleeding thats that only thing that sucks

  11. i never hurt, not even while pushing him out. idk

  12. I was in severe pain for 3 days,then it was painful but nothing 2 tylenol couldn't knock out for about 2/3 weeks..I had two lacerations,one inside and one outside one the side (not like an episiotomy tear/cut) At about 3 1/2 weeks I was feeling top notch again!  

  13. It depends on what you mean by hurt.  I was tender down there for about 6 weeks because it had stretched so much.  However pain wise in walking and doing I was up and walking the next morning!


  14. For about 2 weeks. I had a natural childbirth.

  15. With my first child I tore just a little bit but it wasn't bad enough for stitches and only hours after having her I was sitting in the rocking chair with one leg up underneath me with no pain what so ever. I remember the nurse making a comment about me being able to sit that way so soon. With my second I didn't tear at all and felt great immedaitely. No pain. I am now 11 days post delivery with my third child and I still hurt. But with this baby I am sore down there because I had to have a couple stitches (she was 8 lbs 12 oz!!) and I have hemorrhoids this time around (I really had to push hard this time.) I also noticed that my hips are hurting. I am still needing to sleep with a pillow between me legs to be comfortable at night.  

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