
How long do you need to wait to drive after having 1-2 beers??minimum time?

by  |  earlier

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how long after 1-2 beers will the driver be alert enough and capable of driving safely .




  1. depends on your body weight 200 plus about 4 hours,if under 200 around 6-8 hours.remember to eat lots of bread to absorb the alcohol.found pizza to do best..and drink lots of water to clear out the liver...then it will take less time to be legal..04 and under...

  2. general rule is 1 hr per beer or ounce of alcohol in mixed drink.

  3. My friend, Hookerln is the ONLY !!! one even close.It has nothing to do do with how well you hold your alcohol !!  It is a blood alcohol content test, weight has very little effect on your legal limits. To be 100% sure dont drink and drive ! If you decide to drive after drinking, 1 beer per hour is the max limit !!  or 1 oz. of liquor. Im not preaching to you, I just don't want you to listen to the wrong people my friend.   good luck,  OH  YEA

    the legal limit is .08 or under in most States

  4. depends on how well you hold your liquor. if it's your first time you might still be a little influenced, most people will be fine after 3-4 hours. beer isn't that much percent alcohol, only like six percent, so it's not even likely you'll be that tipsy when you drink them.

  5. Depends on body weight and how much you consume on a daily bases!

  6. Plain and simple you dont wait to drive after drinking........

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