
How long do you normally have EWCM for?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currenty on day 18 of my cycle and I've been having EWCM since day 15. I'm having some pains on my right side today, should I assume that I'm ovulating today? I've never had EWCM this long.. Is it normal? Thanks!




  1. I'm not trying to confuse you more...

    But today I'm on CD21 & since CD15 I have been having cramps in my ovary's & lots of EWCM! But no positive Ovulation test yet!

    So who knows?

  2. EWCm is totally normal for 1-4 days. The longer u have it, the better chances at getting pregnant. 3 days of EWCM is awesome!

  3. Hi,

    It is normal to have EWCM for 3 days or so.  If you are having pains in your ovary AND EWCM then yes, I would assume you are ovulating today.  You better get to BDing right away!!!

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!

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