
How long do you stay at the dog park?

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I stay for about 2 hours. Is that too much?

6 month old lab/pit bull mix.




  1. I stay until my dog seems tired and doesn't want to play anymore or until an aggressive dog arrives.

    A young lab/pit bull mix can probably keep going and going. Those are two high energy breeds. Just keep a watch out for your dog. You can usually tell when they have had enough. Also keep a watch out for the other dogs in the park. If there are any iffy/aggressive dogs, it is best to leave before anything bad occurs.  

  2. I stay as long as the dog wants to stay.  He usually lets me know when he's had enough.  It usually is 1.5 to 2 hours.

  3. I stay as long as my dog is having fun.  If you are there that long, be sure to bring water and a water dish.

  4. I stay about an hour! I don't stay too long cause they get hot.

    We live in texas so they get hot outside for a long time!

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