
How long do you take on the toilet.

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how many wipes dose it take to wipe your butt.

No stupid answers please just the truth. it takes me a pretty long time. any advise on tech.i wipe from front to back. i have a hemorrhoid.hurt like heck sometimes.




  1. Honestly for me it depends , good book in front of me about 15-20 min , in a hurry 3-5 min. i also go front to back , i also like my pants all the way to my ankles , is that weird?

  2. i dont use toleit paper sometimes i use my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and that really does the job right

  3. 10 minutes

  4. It depends. I mean, if it is a clean one, a single wipe tapes care of it.

    if i have constipated diarrhea, I would be wiping my butt with Saskatchewan

  5. If it is taking time to wipe your butt, it is the hemorrhoids. Have it remove.

  6. The number of wipes depends on the consistency of the  . . .c**p.

    I usally spend lots of time on the  . . crapper though.

    Its sometimes the only down time i get.

    Just me and my Motor Trend magizine.  

  7. well it can be caus to use a damp cloth oe it can keep it clean good luck you can get in the shoer after words  

  8. I need to go:lower my stuff:sit and done within 30 seconds.

    Wipe dry from back to front

    Use one wet one and I am done.


  9. Wipe front to back or it will get on your balls.Also just wipe around the hemorrhoid.When you are in the shower then wash it really good.

  10. only like 5 minutes when i'm busy and i just c**p and leave, but up to forty minutes when im reading or listening to Mp3... ur wiping the right way, and while ur crapping keep a constant pressure, dont push then not push then push again, just put a little bit of pressure for a long amount of time

    i know this'll so but try crouching on the toilet with your knees tucked in, don't ask why but i did this since i was like 11 and it always helps on the big ones

    and the hemhroid thing, my dad had the surgery for it... he said it was the worst three weeks of recory afterwards and is notorious as the most painful surgery their is, but now he says he is extremely glad he had the surgery and angry that he didnt do it sooner

    hope i helped

  11. Ouch. I just relax and let nature and gravity take its course. I wipe from back to front. Just relax and let it flow.

  12. well I take like 30 minutes, if I have something really good to read.

    Also, I'm a crumpler, which mean I take toilet paper and crump it into a ball and wipe my buttock one time, and you're good to go!

    But ouch dude, hemorrhoid... I hope you get better

  13. 2-3 minutes tops... but I dont sit there and wait forever, if I cant go I come back later.

  14. Use baby wipes, or somewhat cold wet toilet paper *NOT SUPER COLD!*

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