
How long do you think a human body can survive with no viatmin C before the person gets signs of scurvy?

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a. 3 weeks

b. 6 weeks

c. 3 months

d. 6 months

e. 1 year or more




  1. I'm not sure but I think it would be 3-6 months.  That was the length of ocean voyages where it first became a problem.

    I have actually seen a couple cases in homeless people, so it is not a quaint historical disease.

  2. I am going to guess 6 weeks.

  3. As vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin it will  less than the fat soluble vitamins. Some what unethical research has shown that complete absence of vitamin C from the diet causes scurvy symptoms after 3-6 months. These symptoms included weakness, fatigue, inflamed & bleeding gums, impaired wound healing etc etc.

    Specifical, symptoms appeared when plasma concentrations fell below 11 micrograms or total body pool less than 300 mg.

    How long can the body survive? I am unaware of previously published research (might be some from war camps etc) and I doubt (and hope) we won't get any on this question. I suppose there maybe some observations regarding sailors many years ago if you could tract down the correct sources.

  4. Troll much?

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