
How long do you think i will last?

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ok, i'm from South Texas, and i'm used to eating ALOT of meat. like steaks and everything like that. BBQ and stuff, but i want to be a vegetarian. how long do you thinkn i will last? this is a serious question. i'm not looking for funny or retarded answers, i want your opinion on how long someone who is used to eating meat would last being a vegetarian. and i'm doing this both because my cousin showed me how they killed the cows before they chop them up, and for my health. i think it would be alot healthier. so how long will i last?




  1. if you really feel strongly about killing animals, you'll be fine. ive been veg for about a year now.

  2. If you really want to be vegatarian you'll manage. But, if you truely love meat too much, try buying meat from farms that allow the animals to roam free. They get a much better life that way. I would avoid being near meat as well if I was you :3

    I tried to give up meat, I failed. x3

  3. You will last forever without eating meat.  Vegies can give your body every nutrient meat can give and are so much more healthy!  I stopped eating red meats a year ago and lost 52 pounds of fat from my body!  I still eat some fish and chicken sometimes but mostly soups with lots of vegies.  Eating to much red meats can cause kidney stones from uric acid in the meats that stores as calcium in the kidneys and later on in life these stones must come out, and its not pleasant!  So,, enjoy your new diet of vegies and be healthy!

  4. you can last forever if you want. before i became a vegetarian i loved meat & ate it as often as possible. the transition was pretty tough during the first month but after that it didn't bother me at all. in fact, after about six months i started to find meat disgusting.

    the important thing is that you give it your best and believe you can do it. if you want to be vege and slip up on occasion that's okay, just get back on the wagon.

    faux meat helps with meat cravings in the beginning so try some of those. you'd be surprised how much of the food you love is really great meat free.

  5. I grew up like that too, and recently I have decided to become a vegetarian.  =].  Being a vegetarian can be easy, you just have to find other foods that are healthy, and taste good too!  Try some salads, and eat peanut butter!  You need to get protein so you'll need more dairy!  But if you do these things, you can definitely last as a vegetarian for as long as you like =]!  Good luck!

  6. I'm vegan, I live in South Texas, and I manage with no difficulty.  It's about you- your convictions and beliefs- and not about where you live.  

    After all, Austin is the birthplace of Whole Foods, San Antonio has a terrific all-vegetarian restaurant, and HEBs statewide carry Morningstar Farms, Boca, Smart Dogs, etc.  Both San Antonio and Austin have active vegetarian and animal rights groups.  Even down here on the border, where hunting is a major source of "recreation," people are merely curious when vegetarianism is mentioned.  Down here the "do whatever you want, just stay out of my yard" mindset prevails.

    How long you "last" is entirely up to you.

  7. Howdy, I'm from North Texas (around DFW) and I was the same way.  I've been a vegetarian for a little over a year now and I don't plan on stopping.  As far as how long you will last, that's just a matter of motivation.  For instance, I had high cholesterol (about 300) and became a vegetarian to lower it.  Within a few months my cholesterol was normal (under 200) and now I use vegetarianism to keep myself healthy.  Along the way I also learned a lot about the meat industry and that keeps me from going back to my old ways.

    So, you will last forever if you are motivated enough to do so.  I didn't know if I would last past the first day, but I slowly stopped eating one type of meat at a time (I stopped eating beef one week, pork the next, etc.) until one week I was completely vegetarian.  Take it at your own pace and good luck.

  8. you'll last however long you choose to last.

  9. We don't know you so we can't tell you how long you will last.  Many vegetarians grew up eating meat and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle much later in life.

  10. man i know wow i alwayes wondered how people cope living in states that are heavy meat eaters but never fear there are still vegetarians and vegans in your area you have to remeber WHY your a vegetarian in the first place do your research and learn WHY its better to live a vegetarian lifestyle(for one you will live longer and wont become obesed like most of those people seem to be having growing guts in Texas) and will power as well as mind over matter and you will get used to your new healthier way of living

  11. If you have the will power it will last as long as you want it to. Mad Cowboy did it.

  12. Hi!

    I guess it all depends on how much and why you want to become vegetarian.

    Do some research so you know as much as you can about the new diet.

    Knowledge is power =)

    Be sure to learn vegetarian recipes (there's heaps on the internet), buy the new products (tofu, seitan, tempeh, soya, etc), and don't listen to people saying you are going to lack vitamins, because if you eat right you won't be lacking anything.

    Best wishes!

  13. If you can make it to the 2 week mark without having ANY meat, you can make it.

    If you can't make it that far, you don't have the willpower.

    Good luck! It's hard but it's worth it.

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