
How long do you think it is until performance enhancing drugs taint snooker and pool like other great sports.?

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How long do you think it is until performance enhancing drugs taint snooker and pool like other great sports.?




  1. I don't think strength has much to do with the skill needed to excel at snooker and pool, so it might not happen.

  2. i dont think its a place for it in pool or snookers because its not physical like baseball or football

  3. Enhacing drugs works only for explosive events like 100 meters sprint, and weight lifting

  4. I thought they already had doing Snooker and Pool

  5. beer has been used for years but nobody is checking for it

  6. pool and snooker ? unheard of .. why would we need ENHANCING DRUGS ? what is there to enhance ? the mind ? the concentration ? the rest is all about practice .. you dont need physical exhaustion to play snooker or pool !

  7. Recreational drugs have been "tainting" professional pool for a long, long time.  Several great players are no longer competitive because of them.

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