
How long do you think it would take me to buy a car? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm fourteen (15 in october) I get paid $10 an hour (plus tips) and i'll probably be working like three days a week this school year (house keeping ;; can't do it during school hours) Then i'll have a babysitting job three days a week at 150 dollars a week. I was hoping to buy a fairly decent car at the end of next summer. Then after that start saving for an apartment. Do you think i'll have enough money to buy a car then?




  1. yea bro, if u save as much as u can with those numbers, u should be able to buy a nice car next year,

    but don't forget about gas and insurance

  2. maybe you should stay in school and add those numbers up with a math teacher

  3. i think you could buy a decent car with that money...but dont go off spending it..i know its tempting

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