
How long do you think my son should be online?

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*hes an 18 year old boy (not working or going to school).

*i limited him to 4 hours a day 5 days a week because i think it interfears with his life.

*Computer games are his hobbie.

*Im mainly worried that he will confuse with computer's and real life.




  1. How do you not go to school and not work? Buy him an eBay book and say Son you have 2 options either learn the art of selling on eBay and bring in some bucks to pay some rent or 2) go outside and go search for a job.

    I know the Economy sucks right now but he should at least be looking for jobs.

  2. Without a job or going to school?  IMO, he shouldn't be online.  He should be either 1. Looking for a job, or 2. applying to go to college/trade school.

  3. I doubt he'll confuse computer games with real life. But you're right... those games are very addicting, and when you get too involved in anything (games, TV, answering Y!A questions), you tend to neglect everything else.  And even if he doesn't have many responsibilities right now, you'd probably like to see him doing something more "constructive" with his time.

    Maybe you can make a deal with him.  Start with the 4 hour limit.  But for every hour that he does something you approve of - something constructive - he can earn another hour on the computer.  So if he spends three hours doing yard work, taking his brother to the beach, or reading a book, he can tack on an extra 3 hours of computer time that day.  Seven hours is still a lot, but at least he's done something worthwhile during the day.

  4. I personally think if he's on-line so much maybe you should suggest an on-line job so he won't just be playing games all day. Or maybe some on-line classed on how to make games or something like that . There is alot of money in that.

  5. why isnt he working if he's 18? if he is able he should be instead of playing on the computer.

    i'd say 3 hours a day at the most.

  6. good idea, ( im 15)took over my life, i quit

    he should have a job

  7. My parents never gave me any rules regarding the computer when i was 18, although i still lived in their house, i had a full time job too. I think you are defintily not out of line, for putting rules there, 18 or not, hes still under your roof, and apparently needs a life, no offense, i get bored being on the computer that long, i have to go out and see the light of day, and he needs to as well, so i think you are very right in your decision.

  8. if he's 18, then he can do what ever he wants. but i would make he get a job or go to school in order to have full computer privileges

  9. if it's his summer holidays then surely he should be doing whatever he wants with his time off.

    But everyone needs to prioritise and if he's finished college and should be looking for a job, then he should do that for a few hours each day.  

    He could also do a bit of housework for you if he's hanging around the house.  My mum always gave us chores to do while she was at work and we were on holiday from school or college.

    But at 18, I was working and living alone anyway, so what I did with my time would have been up to me.  

    I think a kid of 18 needs to develop some responsibility though so if you do a list of things that you want him to do during the day (some grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathroom etc) and then once he's done all that he can go on the PC, then that could work.  You get some benefit from him being home and he gets to learn that the house doesn't clean itself!

  10. Personally when my kids are 16 they better have summer jobs or be taking summer classes, so they wouldn't 4 hours in a day to spend on the internet.

  11. He's not working, not going to school? Yikes!! I have teenagers and they get an hour a day. He needs to get a life and I think computers are getting in the way.

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