
How long do you think the GOP is going to milk 911?

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It is beginning to sound redundant. People, it happened because the powers that be ignored al the warnings and intelligence. President Clinton warned Bush on three different occasions yet Bush ignored him and brushed him off as a fear monger. That's what leads me to believe Bush and Cheney knew about it and did nothing. Bush needed a reason to tart his oil war and chose to ignore the actual people who attacked us to get Iraqs oil. All he did was creat one collossal failure after another.




  1. Bush didn't ignore the warnings because New York City was preparing for an attack similar to what happen in Japan subway tunnels.  Also, the warning he got had no actionable intelligence.  It just said a terrorist attack is emminant without any specifications on where and when.  And if W wanted to start an oil war then where is all the oil he stole and where is he keeping it.   The last I heard Iraq sells it and reaps the profit from it on the open international market.  

  2. Not as long as the DNC has been milking the race, class, and gender card I would suspect.

  3. Pretty soon that cow is goonna be milked dry.

  4. As long as the people keep them in power.  Fear is a tactic used by people in power to remain in power.  

    "Those who give up liberty for a little security deserve neither."

    -Benjamin Franklin

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