
How long do you think the Olympics should last?

by  |  earlier

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As for me, I think it should last about 7 weeks.

Since 28 sports are part of the Olympic Programme, there should be about 4 sports at a time.




  1. I think the present allocated time is perfect. Remember, there are people there watching all of the events and attention spans can run short. The various events are taking place in a variety of venues and three U.S. TV networks are covering them. The professional athletes need to return to their jobs and the students need to return to school.

  2. 2 and a half weeks, as it is, is fine. I was already getting tired of not sleeping during the night, watching the events.

    Ditto to the gentleman who posted above me, the Olympic spirit should last forever.

  3. no I think 3 or 4 weeks is fine  

  4. 16 years.

  5. 3-4 weeks...

    but the Olympic spirit should last forever!

  6. 2 months

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