
How long do you think these 2 17 year olds should be sentenced for.?

by Guest57730  |  earlier

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  1. This drives me nuts!!!!!!!!!  I think they should be put into a microwave for ten minutes.  

    I am sorry but normal kids just don't kill things.   There is something mentally wrong with them and it will only progress as they get older especially if they only receive a slap on the wrists.  Many murderers started out by killing animals just to watch them die, you would think that lawyers, courts etc would be well aware of this fact and punish accordingly and also get then professional help mentally.  

    This will Not be the last time we heard of these two young men.

  2. I'm gonna go with a few years...animals are helpless, so if your cruel enough to do what they did imagine what they would do to an infant...or a child? Or just anyone?  I think if you can do that to something, you can do that to anything.  Those kinds of crimes are hard to discriminate to me.  

    Cruelty is cruelty, just like the guy who burned his baby in a microwave a few months ago...yes that's more severe since it's a human life, but it was still cruel.  Remorse my ***...if they were so remoresful why would they imagine doing that in the first place?  They obviously planned it out...that is so horrible...10 minutes is a long time.  

    I'm not some dilusional animal lover who thinks animals are humans & what not, but the horror of their acts speaks volumes about their character & who they are as a person & I, for one, do not want someone like that walking around, looking for the next victim to attack.  I seriously doubt this will be a one time thing.  You don't have to be an animal lover to think about the torture & agony that cat experienced while dying...the crime should go un-punished simply b/c it is not a human?  I call b/s

    I wish I hadn't read that....

  3. omg!

    what losers.

    who MICROWAVES a cat?

    what. idiots.

    i dunno how long; but i hope they get a grip.

    that's awful.

  4. Thats disgusting. I think they should be sentenced to a minimum of 3 years (NO less than 3 years) and they should be put in an adult correctional facility, they need to be on the range with the big boys. Lets see if they ever pull anything like that again.

    I personally would love to torture those little s**+ts myself. At 17 you should be mature to enough to know better than to hurt an innocent animal that cant defend itself. Those boys are malicious and should be punished harshly

  5. i think they should spend a year with the animal catcher. they will soon learn. i also wish that they would be able to put those kids under ground. sorry it didn't post. i did get that though. i love the outdoors. HE!!HAW!!

  6. I would put these 2 morons in jail to think about the horrendous crime that they have committed and as the 2 have a very limited brain power it should be for at least 8 years. By that time they will both be 25 when hopefully they will have gained enought sense to realise just what a terrible thing they did and to be a sharp lesson to any other yob thinking of doing the same thing.

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