
How long do you think you should try to get pregnant before using infertility treatments???

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How long do you think you should try to get pregnant before using infertility treatments???




  1. try for 6months to a year and if not go to a specialists to see the problem

  2. Unless you already know of a medical reason for the fertility problems I think you should wait 12 months of actively trying before seeking out testing and treatments

  3. Doctors usually recommend trying for a year, if still no success, then you can go in for exams, and infertility treatment.

  4. Generally if you havent had any success and you have been trying for a year your Gyno would send you for numerous test, pinpoint why and what is happening and then suggest what ever he thinks will fix the problem.  So if it has been a while then I would go and see my doctor and get a referral to a Gyno and take it from there.

    I wish you well and the best of luck

  5. Typically doctors recommend trying for a year before seeking treatment unless you are "advanced age" (which most doctors classify as 35 ot over).  At that point, they may suggest seeking treatment after 6 months.

    Good Luck

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