
How long do you usually bake your chicken in the oven?

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Do you cover them first? Then uncover so that the chicken can brown?




  1. Chicken takes about 40 minutes. You don't neccassarily  have to cover it. It also depends what temperature you're baking it on.

  2. it matters if it is thawed or is the opposite

  3. About one hour.

    Yes, I would put it in there covered so that it cooks well...

    Then you can uncover it and switch to the top oven burner to brown it.

  4. this depends on how much chicken, what temperature you bake it at and what dish you are preparing. try looking up the recipe

  5. I just put it in the pan uncovered with a little butter or olive oil on the bottom, About 25 minutes on one side, it should brown. Then flip it let it cook for another 25 minutes so that it can finish cooking & that side can brown, I cook it at around 375.  You can cover it to keep moisture in but it will still brown as long as you don't have too much liquid at the bottom. If your recipe calls for it to be baked in a sauce but you still want it browned sear it in a screaming hot pan with a little oil before you put it in the sauce.

    To tell if meat is done I go by how dense it is.

    A raw piece of meat wont give you an resistance when you poke/press on it, the more it cooks the more it will press back at you. Thats a good trick for steak as well to tell the desired done ness.  Raw meat is going to feel like a pillow when you poke/press on it, The more cooked it is that more it will push back at you.  

  6. in a pan...?

  7. 5 hours at 700 degrees.

  8. Set your oven to preheat at  325 degrees.  Cook your chicken according to how much the chicken weighs.  The usual time is 15 minutes per pound.  So if your chicken weighs 5 pounds, cooking time would be one hour and 15 minutes.  Cut into the meat and examine the juices to see if they run clear.  If they are still bloody let the chicken cook another 15 minutes.  You can cook it covered for about an hour, then remove the cover for the last 15 minutes to let it brown up.  Some people smear the outside of the raw chicken with oil to make the skin crispy.  You can sprinkle on any spices you like.  Oh, if you have stuffing in the chicken, the cooking time is 20 minutes per pound.

         Of course, you could always but the chicken that has a little pop up timer in it that pops up when the chicken is done.

         I suggest you invest in at least one cookbook.  My favorite is The Joy of Cooking.  It tells you everything you need to know about cooking all kinds of things.

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