
How long do you wait for before going to change?

by  |  earlier

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If you see your toddler is pooping in his/her diaper do you change him/her right away or just wait a little if he/she is finished? I usually wait at least 10-15 minutes. Is it too long?

He usually manage to squish it around for this time :(




  1. she'll come to me when she's done she hates being dirty she'll get her wipey box a diaper  and lay down for me to change her  

  2. I would wait until you see the physical signs that he's done. Usually when they're pooping, they stop, strain or grunt, squat or turn red in the face. Once they start moving quickly again, it usually means they're done!

    And, no - 15 minutes is not too long to wait - especially when the child is in disposable diapers.

  3. If I know they're done, I change it, right away! Would you like to sit in poopy undies at all, let alone 10 - 15 minutes? :) Doubt it... Plus, they could get diaper rash. Just change them, soon: they don't like the smell, any more than we do.

  4. Great question! Usually I change about five minutes after I "think" he's done. That way I can avoid the squishies...10-15 minutes...yeah your asking for it, happens to me every once in awhile. I'd rather change two non squishies in a row than to change one squishy...

  5. My 1 1/2 year old will say "I went Mommy." and that's how I know that she's finished.

    But don't wait longer then 5 minutes. Usually you can tell by the face.

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