
How long does Japan's rainy season last andhow long does it's monsoon season last?

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How long does Japan's rainy season last andhow long does it's monsoon season last?




  1. Japan's rainy season lasts roughly from mid-June to mid-July, but in some years it drags on longer. Usually sometime in mid or late July, the weather agency makes an announcement declaring the official end of the rainy season.

  2. i've only lived here since november but it's rained a whole lot since january

  3. The rainy season in Japan varies and depends greatly on how active the ITCZ is.   This is an area of unstable weather where thunderstorms lie and the rains can be heavy and unrelenting for weeks on end.

  4. There is no monsoon season, we are not far enough south, but the rainy season is the month of June.

    It can start a little earlier in Okinawa and later as you move north, but as a general rule for the country, June is it.

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