
How long does Marijuana stay in your system? Does pickle, cranberry juice, Detox really works?

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How long does Marijuana stay in your system? Does pickle, cranberry juice, Detox really works?




  1. Up to 30 days or so, depending on how much you use.

    No.  The "detoxes" do not work.

  2. ohhk thiis iis what ii got told that weed/dope/marijuana stays in ur system for 6 months or a month i think its 6 im not really sure but yeh its in ur blood or whatever for a bit and no once iits in there you wont get it out with cranberry juice or detox things or whatever sorry!!!

  3. it usualy stays in your system for a month, but i drink allot of water so my pee is allways clear, so when i need to do a drug test i just fill it with toilet watter and everyone beilives me haha. (not sink water because thye go in the bathroom with me and turn around to make sure i dont try to run away or something. ((and because half the time i need them im too high to stand by myself haha))

  4. marijuana stays in your system for between 15 to 45 days depending on your metabolism   DETOX they dont clean out the toxins they just chemicals that mask them from being tested but you must follow the directions strictly DRINKING any thing with a high concentration of anti-oxidents will clean your system out a little quicker than normal but you should always give yourself a week of being clean prior to a drug test

  5. THC is stored in the fat cells and can release over a very long time. I know of a guy that paid for his own test needed for a commercial drivers license and he needed 3 months to be clean. This was a guy in his 40s who has been smoking since high school. Flushes will only clean that which has not yet been incorporated into the fat cells.

  6. flushes work if you buy an acyual 40 dollar flush and follow directions..vinegar will make you sick and doesnt work. Cranberry coats the bladder with waxes and prevents infection ..does noting for detoxing weed. An antoxicdent is not the same as an toxin flush.cranberry is a cancer fighting antioxcident

  7. it really depends on the  amount you smoke,how many times a day,or if you smoke everyday. Now i have heard the all and  i have tried most of them. they same the average pot smoker take around 30 days. But there are many other factors that you have to consider. THC binds itself to fat cells so the less fat you have and you will get clean faster. working out helps also. But the only thing that im possitive that worked for me was a detox drink called "formula 3" i was smokin pretty heavily and in 4 days i passed a drug test at a lab for a corporate job. So i dont know about pickle juice,or cranberry juice, but "formula 3" works for sure

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