
How long does a Rugby league match last for ?

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How long does a Rugby league match last for ?




  1. why play rugby league...Play RUGBY UNION....and 80 minutes

  2. 80 minutes plus injury time which means when the time is up, at the end the ref will allow the game to go on until someone gets tackled or until the ball goes out. The idea of this is if you are the team that's winning you can just kick the ball out or you can try and make your score higher. For the losing team its a last chance to win or just not lose by as much, so you are less likely to kick the ball out.

  3. 80 minutes - no injury time. the clock stops when needed thru the game.

  4. 80 minutes. It can go a little over time, because if they are still got the ball in hand and the player isn't tackled and the siren sounds they still have 1 more tackle.

  5. 80 mins (not including any injury time)  

  6. 80 Minutes - 40 Minutes Each Way

  7. 80 minutes  

  8. i dont know(:

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