
How long does a bank place a hold on a check before the funds are available?

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How long does a bank place a hold on a check before the funds are available?




  1. That is up to the bank.  Ask them.

  2. Usually 5 business days.

  3. Usually three to five business days.  You can check wtih your bank for the specifics.

    Not sure who you have gotten the check from - is it a relable and trusted source?  Even after a bank "clears" the check (that is, makes the funds available) the money may not be transferred from bank to bank.  If a check 'clears' and the funds are made avaialble, and later the bank finds out that the check was counterfeit or fake, they can collect all the funds disbursed - from YOU.  So if this check is not from a trusted and/or reliable source, be careful about withdrawing the money until you check with the bank that the funds have actually transferred and there is no problem wth the check.

  4. It depends on the amount of the check, where the check is from and what kind of account you have (if it's a good account or if your overdrawn alot).  It can be 2, 5, 7, or 11 days.

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