
How long does a cash deposit on a vehicle usually last?

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I've been having major issues w/ buying this car I want because the salesman let another person put down a cash hold on it - even though I had told him I wanted it days earlier and he never informed me that I needed to or should have put down a deposit. Now, he tells me that these people put down a cash deposit on tues. and have until today to get financing or else the car is mine. Funny thing is, i was there Sat. & he was supposed to call me Mon. & I couldnt get ahold of him until Wed. at which time these people were test driving the car. It's interesting that these people put down a deposit before even driving the car! Anyways, dont u think he should have given me that option or at least made me aware of the fact the someone else wanted the car, so that I would have the opportunity to put cash down on it? I am so pissed off by all of this. I feel like i've been strung along. He was going to call me Mon.! What can I do other than wait for the other people? How long do they have?




  1. Is it possible the other people actually saw the car BEFORE you saw it and when the salesman told them later that you were interested, they made the deposit? A salesman is not going to ask two different prospective buyers to both make deposits.

  2. How long a cash deposit is good for is up to the seller.  If you think the salesperson didn't treat you fairly (because he didn't tell you, but did tell the other people, about the need for putting down a deposit), then you should contact the dealership and complain to the manager.

    EDIT - After seeing the additional details you posted in response to aHelper, I think you **definitely** need to talk to the manager.  The salesman is not only not treating you fairly, he's also not being honest with you.  If some sales guy is running around misleading customers or outright lying to them, then the manager needs to know about it for the sake of the business.

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