
How long does a cat usually live?

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What is the average life span of an indoor cat and an outdoor cat?




  1. about 10 years but i know some that lived alot longer.

  2. My parents run a cattery and we have cats that come in aged 20 + even up to 24! though most live upto about 10-15

  3. The average lifespan for the indoor kitty is 12-15 years, although cats living into their twenties is becoming more common.  Like people, old age is a matter of good genes and good luck as well as good household conditions, good feeding, regular yearly checkups with the vet, and lots of love and attention.

    Outdoor cats don't live as long. My kitty died at age 8, she was mostly outdoor. I've ready though that the average for outdoors is 3-5 years. Sad.... :-(

  4. Cats usually live between 15-20 years. An outdoor cat can expect to live a shorter life due to the amount of dangers around to threaten it's life, such as cars, and other animals. They are also more susceptible to diseases. Indoor cats live longer, and are less threatened, they don't have to worry about traffic and other animals usually.  

  5. That depends on many things...

    - First of all, cats that live indoors live longer, healthier lives. Statistically, the life span of an indoor cat averages 12 to 14 years, whereas it is only about four years for the outdoor cat.

    - What kind of food you feed them also greatly affects their long-term health. Stay away from supermarket brands, as they are loaded with artificial preservatives, flavors and colors. A combination of wet food and dry foor is best, and stick with the premium brands. Remember: NO table scraps. A cat regularly fed human food will either lose his taste for his own food, or be too full to eat it. Either way, he will lose the essential nutrients, including taurine, which are necessary for cats to survive and thrive.

    - Even the water your cat drinks is important. Tap water is not healthy for cats because it has metals and other contaminants in it. Distilled water or natural spring water is best.

    - Your cat should have regular vet check-ups and all the necessary vaccinations.

    - Just like humans, exercise is also very important, if they don't get enough exercise they can become overweight, which is a health risk.

    - The life expectancy can also depend on the breed of the cat

    a 1 year old cat is equivalent to a 15 year old human

    a 2 year old cat is equivalent to a 25 year old human

    a 3 year old cat is equivalent to a 32 year old human

    a 4 year old cat is equivalent to a 40 year old human

    a 5 year old cat is equivalent to a 45 year old human

    a 10 year old cat is equivalent to a 60 year old human

    a 15 year old cat is equivalent to a 72 year old human

    a 20 year old cat is equivalent to a 90 year old human

    a 25 year old cat is equivalent to a 105 year old human

    a 30 year old cat is equivalent to a 120 year old human

    *All are estimated, not exact*

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