
How long does a chicken run with it's head chopped off? Is it true and why does it happen.?

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would that happen with humans? why not?




  1. Check this link for more answers

  2. i would say 4 bout a  2 to3 min. and a human they say for bout 1 min.

  3. The difference is area of the brain in chickens (medulla) that controls unconscious activities is located pretty far down their neck.  Thus it can continue sending impulses after decapitation if it's left partially or fully intact (bad cut).  It could theoretically live this way indefinitely if the cut was precise and the chicken was fed but in reality it's usually less than a couple minutes.

  4. They flop around for 15 to 30 seconds. Other animals may thrash around when dying also including humans. The furtive film of the French using the guillotine on a prisoner shows the body flop off the table and was one reason the guillotine got abandoned in France. Read accounts of head shots in Marine Sniper.

  5. i think like a 20 seondsprobably because  when a chicken has its head cut off, there are still nerves working in the body - with no head - it is these nerves that cause the chicken to run for a  short period after death.

    there are stories chickens can go run around for days. i think in the olden they used to do this probably becaus ethey found it funny and hence the term' headless chicken'

  6. They move, flap the wings for a few second, but never "run",

    It happens the same with any animal, and humans too..

  7. Yes it is true. I think that when the head is cut of the chicken is thinking of running or escaping,after the head is off there is no way for the brain to tell the body to stop this is why sometimes the headless body can run a little if it is balanced or set off standing up otherwise they just run on there side.

    I am in no way a chicken killer.

  8. I've never done this, but according to an article on the internet, the chicken flaps for about 30 seconds.  The flapping is a nervous reaction.

    I don't even want to THINK about what happens to a human.

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