
How long does a contact lens last?

by  |  earlier

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I wore a pair of soft contact lenses for 5 days, but yesterday one of the lenses ripped because it was too dry. How long can the other lens last in the contact lens container with solution without being worn? Should I just throw it away?




  1. Yes, do use a new pair each time

  2. As expensive as they are, I would keep it. Check your lens solution container, but a lens can usually stay in an unopened container for about 30 days.

  3. it usually varies from the different companies. you DEFINITELY need to throw them away if they are ripped. make sure you take them out nightly, and when you do, treat them with a lot of care. wash your hands before touching them, and keep them in the solution until you wear them again. put drops in several times a day if they are drying out on you.

    your eyes aren't things to mess with.

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