
How long does a credit collection clear entirely off a credit report?

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I paid off a collection in the beginning of July it used to say uppaid but now it says Paid, does it stay on the collection part of the credit report forever or does it clear off permantly after while.




  1. its gonna stay there for a while: up to 7years depending on the state you live in

  2. Eventually it will come off.  Next time negotiate with them and say you will pay if they take it off immediately.  Since you already paid you have no more leverage.

  3. It depends on where you live.  The statute of limitations is specific to your state.  You can also make a deal with the company to have it wiped off your credit report completely if you pay it in full.

  4. When you pay a collection account that appears on credit report, you should always ask for a pay for delete...seeing you have already made the payments, contact the credit reporting agency and speak to them about deleting it. Good Luck!

  5. & years from the last transaction. By paying on it you restart the timeline unless you got a pay to delete. So in August of 2015 it will be off your credit report

  6. 7 years unless you contact them and ask for it to be removed!

  7. From what I have heard it should eventually come off. I had something I paid off that was in collections last year and it is still on there. Someone told me that I need to write the credit bureau that is showing it on my credit report and ask them to remove it. I would also try to contact the company that had the collection started and ask them about removing it.

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