
How long does a criminal record check take to process I have filled out the form and sent it back to Capita?

by  |  earlier

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The paper work that came with the form says six to eight weeks. Does this sound like a very long time to wait for them to decide i am a fit and proper person to be a driving instructor.




  1. It took 10 weeks for my last one to come through. They are really busy.

  2. Does that mean you can't start your course until the check is complete?!?  

  3. Ive had one done and it did take at least 6 weeks from memory ......


    Im surprised Mrs GC managed to pass considering her penchant for shall we say 'alternative' sexual practises ;)

  4. I applied for an enhanced check in March, it was back with 2 weeks, although my previous one a few years ago took 5 months!

    You may get lucky as schools are closed just now so might not be quite so many applications being processed.

  5. no that doesn't sound long at all

    The last one I had to do was an enhanced CRB check and that took just under 3 months to come back

    dave I'm actually going to murder you

  6. Hi, it depends on what they find during the searches, it can take several months

  7. I have no idea i have never had to have one carried out.

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