
How long does a guinea pig take to get used to the new owner and environment?

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I bought a guinea pig yesterday, it is so scared!!! I am too!!! I am even afraid to take him from the cage to clean it, because I am afraid he bites me.

How long do you think they take to get used to the new place and my self, if he will ever do :)

Thank you




  1. about 2-3 weeks!

  2. It all depends, maybe about one or two weeks. But you should try to relax when handling the guinea pig because if you're tense-he's tense. Leave it alone on the first day so it can get used to it's surroundings, then about for an hour or two everyday, take him out of the cage and just cuddle with him. Talk to him in a soothing voice like you would a baby and try to avoid distractions and loud noises from other family members. If you continue to do that, in a matter of time he will want to be with you every minute of the day.

  3. I also have a guinea pig named Billy. I went through the same thing when I bought him 10 months ago and it took him around 3 weeks to get used to his surroundings. It should take your piggie 2 weeks - a month. Guinea pigs are known to have good temperament so don't worry about biting. You should clean his cage once every 1-1 1/2 weeks but when I first got my piggie, he just kept running around the cage and I couldn't even touch him!

    Good luck with the new piggie!

  4. My first was scared stiff of me! *Maybe because she ran under the radiator the first day and we had to call a bunch of people to get her out* After about a week, she got used to me.

    My current guinea is, umm, a tom boy, if you think about it. She is tough, she bites my dogs, she eats scabs, but she is also very gentle and affectionate. I think she wants the salt on our skin... Anyways it took her maybe 2 days to get used to us.

    About the being afraid thing, don't be. The only way to get IT relaxed is to talk in a soothing voice to IT and gently pet IT and other then that just let them get used to seeing you.

  5. I got a hamster last week and i was scared too he was too but it takes about 1-3 weeks now im still trying to make him tame but he is not that scared of me petting him i was so scared of him biting me

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