
How long does a hamster have with wet tail like when will it die?

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How long does it take for wet tail to kill a hamster?I think my hamster has wet tail his butt is wet and stuff sticks to his butt and his poo isn't like liquid it is solid but not as solid as it's supposed to be.




  1. take it to the vet. i think it takes about 1-2 days. or 1 week! I'm not too sure!

  2. death may occur as soon as 48 hours after the onset of initial signs

  3. Wet tail

    The most serious intestinal disease of hamsters is "wet tail", or proliferative ileitis, which is most common among weaning hamsters (4-6 weeks) and Syrian hamsters. Symptoms include lethargy, increased irritability, hunched posture, fluid or bloody diarrhea, a wet, soiled anal area and tail, and, sometimes, rectal prolapse. A veterinarian is needed to immediately examine and evaluate the situation and will usually treat the problem with fluid replacement, oral antidiarrheal medication, and antibiotics, although treatment is often unrewarding, and death may occur as soon as 48 hours after the onset of initial signs

  4. sounds like wet tail a real disease for hampsters?  If someone told me an animal had wet tail and had x days to live I would think they were trying to put one past me.

    Granted given the search I just did I don't think it has wet tail.  as your hamster doesn't really have diahrea.  most likely it peed a lot recently.

  5. It doesn't take long.A vet can give you medicine for it though.You can also look in pet shops for the medicine.

  6. If your hamster is longhaired, then it could just be that he's not grooming properly. If not, then it could very well be wet tail which can kill hamsters in about a week. Take your hamster to the vet immediately.

  7. 7 days and a vet can't do anything.  Start digging its grave.

  8. My hamster died of wet tail.  I have been told once they get this they are unlikely to survive anyway.

    Mine took about a week and half to die (didnt know he had wet tail at the time) and his cage really smelt bad when he was poorly. (Obviously coming from the hamster itself)

    I think there is little you can do.

  9. about ten days

  10. I I'm pretty sure you're psychotic.

  11. I think he's fine you just have to clean his butt. Same thing happens with my chickens.

  12. aw, wet tail! You need to get your hamster to a vet! My rat died in lie three days from it!

  13. not long i dont think, though u shld take it to a vet and see. It may be curable, unless it's already old in which case they always get something.

  14. wet tail can kill a hamster as soon as 24 hours you can get medication to treat wet tail at a pet store or vet take him to the vet asap

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