
How long does a miscarriage take to fully expel from your body.?

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I know that this is a weird question, but my best friend had an ultrasound about six to eight weeks ago to determine she was, in fact, having a miscarriage. The Dr. told her she was but everything seemed to be taking care of itself (no D&C needed). Since she didn't bleed very heavy she decided to take a HPT and it came back positive- about a week and a half ago. The next day she went to the emergency room to have another ultrasound (this time there was a different Dr.) The Dr. said, you still have the sac, but no embryo and it looks like it's on it's way out. She still hasn't bled heavy yet and is wondering how long should it take for her period to return? Should she go ahead and schedule a D&C even though here Dr. hasn't suggested it. Is there anything besides a D&C to fully finish her miscarriage. If anyone can help that would be great, she is starting to get really frustrated! Thanks so much, and sorry this is so long!




  1. when i lost my first baby they had me have a d&c and everything way out of me. They did it to make sure everything was out but when they did the ultrasound they know. I know that i had lost my baby because i had seen it when it came out ( srry to be so graphic) but she sound give it time 2 make sure everything is ok and if the sac doesnt come out then she shound have it done 2 make sure she doesnt have any problems with another pregnancy.

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