
How long does a navel peircing take to heal?

by Guest63348  |  earlier

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How long does a navel peircing take to heal?




  1. it takes 6 to 8 weeks.

  2. think that depends... everyone heals differently. I see someone wrote 6 to 8 weeks, but mine healed in 4...but I guess statistically it could be 6 to 8 weeks.

  3. People are going to tell you anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. My best friend thought hers was healed in 3 months, she changed the jewelry and it got infected. Then again, I'm sure there have been other people who have changed it after 3 months and been just fine. I've had mine for about 9 months and I have not changed the jewelry yet. However, I know that mine is completely healed. At 6 months my peircing was still oozing a little bit (not an infection, just part of the healing process) but at about  7 or 8 months I knew it had healed. So basically what I'm saying is, DO NOT change it before 6 months, and you will know when its healed. Hope I helped.

  4. I changed my bar after 2 weeks and it was fine,but everyone is different.I would say leave it for about 6 weeks if your not sure  

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