
How long does a new relationship last

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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How long does a new relationship last. Lasting relationships that begin in the Red.

The Valentine is a good time to make public data on personal relationships that started on the internet. A survey of 229 Internet users and published by the British Journal of Social and Personal Relationships states that 18% of respondents found a couple online say the relationship lasted at least one year.

"It seems that relationships that start online have a similar level of success that are created in the traditional manner," says Dr. Jeff Gavin, an expert in”virtual dating” study author. Furthermore, according to” 94% of those who achieved a first date via the Internet says the relationship lasted seven months to immense.

This tells you most relationships will last about less than a year. Those that pass this stage, convert to the next stage and finally the marriage.

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 Tags: relationship


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