
How long does a pap smear take!? not the result, the actually examining?

by  |  earlier

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please tell me, this is going to be my first pap smear check and we all know pap smear checks are important.

and 2 hours after that appt. I have a job interview accross the city. which is 30 minutes away but I have to arrive 30 minutes really of course ..

I want to know if i can make it in time. If i cannot make it for my pap smear I will have to sacrafice it for another time because I really need this job.

It fusturating because my health insurance will expire soon in end of october. =[

and I dont want to start a job and say, i need a day off. plus my dentist appt.

i regret slacking off, please don't do what i did. which is, slack off.




  1. The actual test will take your doctor about 30 seconds. To stick a swab up you and take it out.  

  2. The test itself doesn't take long... The wait is the pain... I was in and out in less than an hour yesterday (yes, yesterday was my annual) AND I was a new patient in that office... When I went to the Planned Parenthood, I always took a magazine, or my Nintendo DS, with me, cause they make you wait forever, even with an appointment... I would suggest moving your Pap Smear appointment to later, if the job is important. No point in risking it, with how bad the economy is right now... You've waited all this time for a Pap Smear, a few more days "should" not hurt (too much).

    Just make sure you do reschedule and actually have it done...

    My very first Pap Smear, I found out one of my two ex's gave me Chlamydia (the slimeball!). I took antibiotics, and the second and third Pap Smears were clear. Yesterday was my fourth one, and since I've been married to the same guy I was with last year, everything should be fine (If it isn't, I am SO cutting his d*ck off!)

    Don't put it off too much longer. If they can move up the appointment for earlier that same day, even better!

    Good Luck, hon, on both "tests"!

  3. It takes about 10 and out.

    not sure if your appoinment is at a random time when people should be working so the doctor doesn't have a ton more appointments and you don't have to wait around in the waiting room forever. If you have a good appt time I would say the whole waiting time and exam would be around 20 minutes


  5. its only like 5 minutes including talking to your dr and all. i would be more worried about how long it takes to be seen once you get there.

  6. It depends if the doctor makes you wait in the lobby, exam room etc.  Some doctors you're in and out in 20 minutes; some doctors over book and leave you waiting an hour or more.  You can probably call and ask your doctor how long the usual wait time is.  The exam itself takes about 10 minutes.

  7. A pap smear only takes like 5 minutes but what you need to worry about is the waiting to be called into a room.

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