
How long does a person have to work at a job in order to qualify for unemployment compensation if the job ends

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How long does a person have to work at a job in order to qualify for unemployment compensation if the job ends




  1. six months at least.................

  2. Generally you have to have earnings of at least a certain amount in each of the two quarters before the quarter when you are laid off.

  3. It's a certain number of weeks, and it's usually 4-5 months.  Your UI office looks at earnings in the high quarter, so if you have April-May-June for instance I think you are OK.  It's a complicated formula.  Just file and see what happens--you'll know in a few days.

  4. every state has different timelines just look up your state on the web and see

  5. I'm no expert but I know people at work who have been made redundant just short of working there for 2 years. Apparently that is when you are entitled to redundancy! Not dumb my employer!

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