
How long does a robo trip usally last?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to see how long a robo trip will last if i drink a 4 oz bottle of robitussin maximum strength. and pls no negitive remarks. :)




  1. go to erowid. they have info on almost every drug there is.

    but please be ready for a robo trip. DXM can and almost certanly will have long lasting, negative effects. there are much safer ways to get high. just know what you're getting yourself into.

  2. My answer? Well, first off, don't do DXM if you're on any prescribed meds. But if not, then 4 bottles will probably

    last like... 4-6 hours, and take like half hour/hour to kick in.

  3. Why do you want to hurt yourself? The longer you make it last the more you risk your health. Find a hobby. Make some sober friends. This is so bad for you.

  4. Whenever I robotrip, it usually takes a half hour to kick in and lasts a good 5-6 hours. main key here is to drink a few cups of grapefruit juice, that way you wont waste that much money for a better trip. however do not mix with any other drug. try to get the dxm alone. sometimes i have to take it with guaifenesin and it nevers gives me any trouble but most people will tell you that it makes you puke your guts out.  that is the best kind to get, so happy tripping!

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