
How long does a sponser ship take to process in Canada?

by  |  earlier

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After father received his Canadian citizenship he decided to apply to the embassy to sponser me. This had been almost six months ago. I filed the paper work and sent it in as requested and I am wondering how long does these things take cause this is beginnning to be rediculous now.




  1. It can take years.  There is a 900,000 backlog and Canada admits 250,000 per year.

  2. 6 months is NOT ridiculous. There are THOUSANDS of applications ahead of yours.

    You have not said what country you are in, or where your application is being processed.

    Check this link for the office that is processing your application. The average time  for places outside of Europe is 15 to 19 months.

    So you need to be patient for a while longer.

    PS Do not ask for special treatment. NOONE gets special treatment - Not even the lawyers.

  3. Well it can take time given the number of requests so you can contact the embassy to find out the update.

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