
How long does a teacher have to resign?

by Guest57684  |  earlier

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I live in Illinois and I am wondering how long a teacher in Illinois has to turn in their letter of resignation?




  1. I don't know about Illinois, but in Kentucky it's 30 days prior to the start of school.

  2. I teach in Illinois.  It looks better on your resume, or if you ever want to get another job in teaching, to wait until the end of the year.  If you have to sign a contract (first four years as a teacher) then don't sign it.  If you quit during the year, you might run into problems finding another teaching job.

  3. In Texas, it's July 1st.  However, there are rarely any school districts that will hold you to the date unless you want to resign right as school starts.  Districts know that circumstances change all the time.

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