
How long does a tomato plant lives?

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How long does a tomato plant lives?




  1. it matters. if you feed it a steady diet of mashed babies it might live for about....3 years 6 months 7 weeks 2 days 4 hours 6 minutes and 31.5 seconds. thats what i found out. if you feed it live beavers itll never grow. i find that out the hard way. an easy way to keep your tomato plant alive is to feed it blood. thats why tomatoes are red. thats what my emo friend told me. bubi

  2. The active fruit bearing is for120 - 150 days depending on the variety.

    It may survive for a long time even further, but that is not of much economic significance.

    Also, change in season will kill the plant much prior to its 100% life expectancy.

  3. Tomato plants stay very productive for about two years. That is of course if they are in a greenhouse or in a hot year round environment. I saw some plants in Iraq a few years back that were quite old. I had mistaken them at a distance to be grape vines on an overhead trellis but closer exam showed they were tomatoes. After about two years the vine (varieties) starts to get a bit non-productive but I'm sure that if cared for they would live longer, but not sure how long. I would think that if one cultivated a "sucker" close to the roots that one could get quite a bit more good production from the plant. As cheap as seeds are though, it would just be an experiment in longevity.

  4. Indeterminate tomatoes should live until frost or disease kills them and produce as long as the conditions are right. I've seen where they have grown in greenhouses for years, having vines that grow all around the greenhouse if the suckers are pulled off. The more modern varieties today are determinate, and grow to produce a big flush of tomatoes and begin to die off.

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