
How long does a train half a kilometre long take to cross a bridge half a kilometre long travelling at a speed

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of half a kilometre per minute?

If you take more than half a minute to work this out then consider yourself daft.




  1. it will never make it because there is a tyranosaurous rex in the way waiting to eat the conducter that shot his mom

  2. 2 hours

  3. Just because some of us aren't good at math DOESN'T make us DAFT!!!

  4. 2 minutes, half a kilometer per minute is faster than walking speed. It's over a quartermile per minute, about top human running speed

  5. Several hours.

    Since the train will be crossing at less than walking speed, it can be assumed the bridge in question is suspect in its ability to support the train's weight.

    Further assuming the engineers could even get there today to give it an eyeball, what with all the points to inspect everywhere, I'd say the "time" is "time" to eat your lunch.

    So while you're eating, ponder this; if you are on a train weighing 3,983 tons, ascending 2.1% grade with 12,000 horsepower, what speed will you be able to make (mph please) up that hill?  If it takes you longer than 30 seconds to compute this, then you need visit this category more often or to pay more attention when you do, but it doesn't make you daft.

    So, does anyone out there have a question that is not daft?

    Addendum:  I haven't adapted to metrics well, and "walking speed" above should have been in quotation marks, "walking speed".  Regional jargon for less than 5 MPH.  Sometimes I slip.

    My apologies.

  6. 2 minutes.. And it took me 4 seconds after reading

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