
How long does a typical case of swimmers ear last?

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How long does a typical case of swimmers ear last?




  1. Get your ears waxed out now and then. Don't go to deep.

  2. ah, I used to get this all the time, I think after I started using ear drops it went away in about a week (if you haven't seen a doctor yet, go soon, if left untreated, you can experience permanent hearing loss)

  3. My entire family is troubled by swimmers ear. After years of spending money on over the counter meds the doctor told me to pour a half cap of rubbing alcohol in the ear 3xs a day till its gone. The alcohol evaporates the water. It starts to feel better in hours and is gone in less than 2 days every time.

  4. it depends it could last 1-3 month. My brother had the same thing and it took the hole summer to get rid of it. Use some peroxide and a quetip and/or toilet paper and it works to get rid of it but sleep with it in. Next time you go near water wear ear plugs, they work the best

  5. Couple of days...  You should dry your ear out with a few drops of alcohol.

  6. If it lasts more than seven days see a doctor. My friend had to and they gave her some sort of pills. Another one of my friends had to have a tube put in her ear and she still has it. Good luck!

  7. i would say about 4-6 days maybe 7 depends on the person

  8. Each person is different, so it can't be predicted in advance.

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