
How long does a typical volleyball match last?

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How long does a typical volleyball match last?




  1. its a score based game so could literally go on forever but usually last around 25/ 30 mins depending on the teams

  2. There are 3 set of games that volleyball players would play example blue vs. green. Green won 1st half and 2nd half it means green wins, but if Blue won 1st and 2nd half it means blue wins but if green won 1st half but blue won 2nd half theyll have the 3rd half to see whose the winner i think it depends on the time that they would last..

  3. an average 3 set volleyball game is about 45 minutes, but if one team is destroying the other I would say less then 30 minutes

  4. A 25 point rally scoring game (or set as it is called in USAV) will last about 20 minutes on the average.  If you play a 2 out of 3 match, it will last about an 40 minutes to an hour.  If you play a 3 out of 5, it will last anywhere from an hour to 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  5. hey depends on how many sets u have and how your point system works. I play it on sand and it works like this

    18 minutes a half. when the 18 minutes are over we swaps sides and begin another 18 minutes. team who scores the most points win.

    or you can have sets. first team to 12 or 21 wins. it can be best of 3 or best of 5. to be honest it can be anything.  so yeah it all depends on what type of volleyball game u play.


  6. depends on how good the teams are, how many sets, and how long each set it could really be anywhere from 30-90 minutes

  7. This all depends what teams are playing. If they are two really good teams you could be there for about 1 hr. If one team is destroying the other team it may last 30 min.

  8. i agree with gordonmorrison@sbcglobal

  9. It honestly depends on the amount of competition. It is a score based game, but most leagues have a ceiling. You also have to win by two to win the game so if it is going back and forth it could taken quite awhile. My experience is that a junior high match last's about 45 minutes. A high school match last's about 50-60 mintes. A college match is anywhere from 60-90 minutes for the most part.

  10. maybe about an hour or depends if you are playing a strong team or a weak team.

  11. it depends on the team................ now a days rally point systems r followed which s awarding a point for a sideover... it gets finished sooner than those of 15 points system.... approximately it lasts for 1.25 hrs

  12. they usually play three matches the first two to 25 point and the last game to 15 points and it usually takes anywhere between 45 min to an hour and 15 min depending on how good or bad the teams are

  13. Well, I am in 7th grade, and when we play, we have 15 minutes per game.  We usually use about 10-12 minutes of that.  And if there are three games- you do the math.

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