
How long does alcohol linger in your system?

by  |  earlier

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Well I plan on going out with some friends on monday night, but i have blood tests on wednesday morning and i really don't want any alcohol showing up on these test results does it stay in your system that long?

Don't say: don't drink cause thats not what i'm asking.

Would it be trace amounts or none at all?




  1. no youi prolly will pee it all out or pee urself before the night is out

  2. 1hour for one oz of rum, can of beer, glass of wine of mixed drink.

    For every drink  1 hour , do the math.

  3. all drinks raise u up .02...and ur body burns them away at .01 an hour.u would be ready to take that test tuesday nite if u wanted.have fun :D

  4. Depends on your height and more importantly your weight.

    Best suggestion I have ever heard regarding this question is to drink 8 ounces of water for every drink you have within 24 hours of the last drink. This will help your system to eliminate the alcohol.

    Also, if you exercise, try to get a good 30 minutes of cardio, 12 hours before your Wednesday blood test.

    Have fun, and good luck with Wednesday--btw, if they are not looking for alcohol (why would they, unless if it is for insurance) this is a non-starter anyway. Cheers.

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