
How long does alcohol stay in your system??

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i'm just wondering long it stays in your blood (etc.) system. Because the last time i drank (beer 40oz.) was 2 weeks ago and i'm wondering if its gone by now. And does height & weight matter?

I'm 5'1 & 104-106. Pretty Tiny!




  1. uhhhh, alcohol doesnt stay in you system that long...

  2. Beer can't stay in your body for 2 WEEKS.

  3. 8 oz per hour

  4. Your fine. Crack open another beer and keep drinking hows that for a slice of fried golden?

  5. In the website below you can add in your height/weight and how many drinks you have and it will tell you your BAL after so many hours!

    But yes, it is for sure gone by now! =)

  6. Ethyl alcohol stays in your bloodstream on average for 1 hour per 2oz of alcohol. One bottle of beer or one glass of wine or one shot of liquor (in a mixed drink or straight) all have about 2oz of alcohol.

    Larger people have higher tolerances, people who drink a lot have somewhat higher tolerances. Men in general have higher tolerances. Things you eat or how much you eat change the time, etc. Generally, 1 beer roughly equals one hour.

    However, tests for alcohol consumption like the EtG test, don't check for actual alcohol. They test for other chemicals your body produces, usually your liver. These stay in your system for a few days, usually 4 days is given as a rough max.

  7. How long alcohol stays in the blood stream of a person depends on the rate of metabolism. The rate at which alcohol is metabolized is about .015 BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) in an hour. Accordingly, a person with blood alcohol concentration of .15 becomes totally free of alcohol content in his bloodstream after about ten hours.

  8. i always do one hour for each drink

    but you can be tested about 80 hours later and still have it in you body

  9. Yes its probably gone by now, height, weight, body mass, metabalism etc... does count!

    If your metoblic rate is slooooow then it would probably stay in your system longer, but if it was fast maybe it would be gotten rid of faster?

    Of course if your tall and wide then 40oz of beer wont really be much to your body but if your small and slim like you then 40oz of beer is going to be quite a bit!

    Smaller people usually get pissed much quicker then larger people.

    Hope that helps!

  10. you're in the clear. i think it's like 48 hours.. at least thats what they say to wait when you get a tattoo or piercing...

  11. 12 hours

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