
How long does an egg live inside a woman after ovulation?? Why have i heard so many things!!?

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Some say, 12-24 hrs, then 24-36, then up to 48 hrs???? What factors determine its life span?? HELP!!!!




  1. im pretty sure its 48 hrs

  2. According to my physician about 24 hrs.

  3. The egg typically survives no more than 12-24 hours after ovulation. But that doesn't mean you could get pregnant from making love shortly after ovulation. You usually can't. Studies have shown that you cannot usually get pregnant from making love after ovulation. Sperm usually reach the fallopian tube and the egg within minutes after intercourse. But the first sperm reaching the egg cannot fertilize the egg because they are not ready yet. Sperm need about 12 hours in your uterus before they can fertilize the egg in a special process called capacitation. That's why the best time to make love is the day before and the day of ovulation. Not the day after.

  4. 12 to 48 hours.

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