
How long does bud stay in the system?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Not long enough, man, not long enough. But seriously, about 30 days.

  2. 30 DAYS. L.O.L.

  3. Depending on how much you smoke, weed normally stays in your system for about 3 weeks. And if you want it out quick this is what you do, go to Walgreen's get some water pills and a lot of water. The water pills are going to make you go pee a lot and might make you sick for a day, but it will flush out your system, drink lots and lots of water while your taking the pills, or else you could really get sick. But As long as you follow the directions, it will be out of your system in 48 hrs at the most. I have smoked taken the pills and passed the test the following day, it works.  

  4. I promise you the answer is not 30 days.  I do not know where this magic number came from, but it all depends on how much body fat you have, how often you actually smoke, and what you do to get rid of it.  Do not buy any of the "kits" on line, they are not what they claim to be.  If you smoked recently and need it out ASAP, do not drink a lot of water days before; reason being, the THC gets stored into your blood cells and drinking too much water before a test can cause it to come out and into your urine stream.  On the other hand, drinking a lot of water right before a test, and I mean on the way there, will dilute your urine.  However, you should take vitamins to restore the color of your pee so as not to raise questions.  If you have about a week, do lots of excercise, drink a ton of water, take vitamins, take 2-3 niacin pills per day, (they flush your system), and stop doing all this 48 hours prior to taking the test.  That way, your system will be well flushed and you will be good to go.

  5. The most known theory is atleast 1 month.

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