
How long does cat whiskers take to grow back?

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My little sister over a month ago plucked my kitten's whiskers and they don't seem to grow back. And also around the area where whiskers grow, its losing hair.




  1. Cats have a tendency to rub their faces against things as a way of scenting things.  Its not unusual for the face or area around the mouth to be a little thin especially since your cat is missing some whiskers.

    Missing a few whiskers can be irritating as the whiskers are deep set into the cats face.  You may notice your cat groom or rub his face more, and with whiskers missing, he may be a little off balance for a couple weeks.

    The best answer about re-growth that I can give is about two weeks.

    Even most websites I searched for your answer are rather vague, indicating only that it's only a matter of a "couple of weeks" before the new whiskers begin to grow again.

  2. I already know that someone on here is going to tell you to pull all your sister's hair out. It's just how people on here can be... they'd rather mistreat a person than an animal... Poor kitty, though. The whiskers might take up to six months to grow back because they're much more complex than regular hair, but they will grow back. Tell your sis to leave kitty alone. :o)

  3. Oh that's bad. Cats whiskers help them navigate their surroundings when they are jumping or things like that. It's going to take a while to grow back.

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