
How long does crystal meth stay in your system if you snort it?

by  |  earlier

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My younger sister and I found our mom's crystal meth stash, it's evident that she snorts it. We check it regularly, and find that she snorts everyday.

We want to confront her to get her to stop, but we know she will just hide it from us again. She's addicted. All of these commercials talk about where to get help for someone you know who does meth, I HAVE CALLED, but the meth user can't go to help groups if they don't want to. I know my mom, she won't go.

I want to know how long it usually takes to get meth out of a persons system if they SNORT.

Her work randomly drug tests people, so i kinda want to tip them off or something. I'm not sure what my plan is yet, but I think I might want to get my grandparents involved & the only way they would believe me is if they see the test results, otherwise, she will lie to them. She is dependent on this drug.





  1. that sucks that your grandparents would just take her word over yours. maybe confiscate the drugs and show your grandparents. wow! that's a really, really bad drug! you girls are smart and i hope you don't go down that road. i wouldn't suggest tipping off her employer as she could possibly lose her job over it then you all would be homeless. i wish you all the best of luck!

  2. I agree you need to get your grandparents involved! I have nooo clue about crystal meth but ill pray for your mommy!

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