
How long does dcf legally have before they close a unsubstantiated case?

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i was just wondering how long dcf legally has before they have to close a unsubstantiated case because my case was unsubstantiated and they still have my case open after three months




  1. It likely varies from county/state to county/state.

  2. It sounds like they are keeping it open to look for more evidence. You might want to try talking to an attorney.

  3. Usually it is 30 days.  Call and find out why.  Either they are waiting for more information or maybe whoever the worker was something happened.  Maybe she got sick or the case got passed along or something.

  4. This would depend on where you are from.

    DCF usually has a booklet available to everyone on how the operation works in your area. This is a booklet that they usually give to anyone with an open and verified case. It describes all of the proceedings, the rights and obligations of all the people involved, the guidelines the workers are required to follow, what to do if they don't follow the guidelines, what happens if the investigatees don't work with the dcf and so on and so forth.

    You should just be able to ask for more information. Ask if they have a booklet such as this, or where you could go to find this information. They are required to assist you in being informed about what is happening. How helpful, I suppose depends on the area you are in. I hope things work out. If they do have this booklet availabe, it should be able to answer nearly all of the questions that you may have.

  5. If you can find a family law attorney in your area that offers free initial consultations or a per-hour fee low enough for you to consult once with him/her/them, they might shed some light on this for you, since family law statutes vary from one state/judicial district to another.  Good luck.

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