
How long does/did your 12-13 month old sleep?

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how many hours of sleep at night, and how many hours of napping during the day (1 or 2 naps?)? thanks.




  1. 11.5 months.

    wakes up at 7am

    nap 11-1 (varies)

    cat nap 5-5:30

    bed 7:30ish

  2. My son is 13 months and sleeps about 12 hours at night. We put him down at 8:30 and he is normally back up by 8:30 in the morning.

    He takes two naps during the day. First one is at 11. That one usually last an hour. The second is at 2:30. That one for some reason is a little longer. That one goes until about 4. I think because we play outside after lunch and before his second nap is the reason it is longer. But by 8:15 we are getting ready for bed....diaper change, hugs, one last drink, prayers, and by 8:30 it's lights out!

  3. usually about 10-11 hours at night and hour or so nap in the morning and afternoon.

  4. Bradley usually takes at least a 2 hr nap in the morning/noon time.  Around 11:30-1:30pm

    He goes to bed around 8pm and gets up around 7am

    So he sleeps about 11 hours at night and 2 hours during the day

    He will be 13 months on July 8

  5. 10 hours at night and a 2 hr nap

  6. Our nap/bed times have stayed the same for the past 5 months. My son is now 18 months old, and here's our schedule:

    Bed time: 7:00 PM

    Wake up: 7:30 AM

    Nap time: 9:30 AM

    Wake up: 11:30 AM

    Lunch time: 12:00 PM

    Nap time: 2:30 PM

    Wake up: 4:30 PM

    Dinner time: 5:45 PM

    Bed time: 7:00 PM

  7. I have a 15 month old. She Wakes up around 7:30AM and is up until 12:30PM. She sleeps until 3:30 or 4PM and is up until bedtime at 8PM.

    It was hard to get her on this schedule at first but it was worth it. I am very happy I stuck with it.

    Good luck to you!

  8. Well, my baby's a little older but her sleep pattern has for the most part remained the same. She sleeps about 11 hours at night and then takes a 3 hour nap about 2.5 to 3 hours after she wakes up.

  9. We are a LATE household, since my DH doesn't get home until 1am our schedule is a bit different.

    Get up around 11am.

    Goes down for a nap around 2pm.

    Sleeps until about 4:30pm

    Naps again at 9pm.

    I get him up to eat dinner and visit with Daddy around 1:30am.

    Goes to bed around 3am?

    But honestly if I let him sleep, he would sleep clear though the night. About a 12 hour stretch.

  10. About 10 to 11 hours at night and 2 hours (1 nap) during the day.  Most kids will take 2 naps at this age, though.

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