
How long does drug induced insanity last?

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How long does drug induced insanity last?




  1. Some of it once produced by drugs in permanent. Good examples are LSD and after prolonged chronic use of cannabis.

  2. ill let you know once its worn off

  3. Depending on the peron/drug either until the drug is completely out of the persons system or forever.

  4. Depends on the person, what they have taken and how much.

    Speak to frank the drug information line.  

  5. depends on drug, dose and of course person.

    it can last only while the person is intox or it can trigger a mental illness.

    usually when someone takes drugs and they experience a psychosis (is that what you mean by insanity?) they have a good prognosis as if they are able to stop using drugs their psychotic episodes will (likely)stop, in comparison to someone who is psychotic without drug use.

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