
How long does each individual phase of the moon last for?

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How long does each individual phase of the moon last for?




  1. Like a few days, maybe 2-4 days

  2. 29.5 days in full cycle...

    8 main phases...

    about 3 or 4 days

  3. The phases of the moon are a continuous scale from full to new. On a certian day, a specific amount of shadow/sunlight may have a specific name. For instance, fully light with no shadow showing is called full. If you saw the moon a day early or a day later, you would not be wrong to call it full because it looks full. But technically speaking its really only full for one instant a month and its only new for one instant a month.

    So it might be ok to say it looks "full" for 2 or 3 days, there really is only one day a month officially called "Full Moon".

  4. It's kind of like times of the day.  For example, morning, noon, and afternoon.  Noon is a specific moment but we generalize it somewhat.  Morning and afternoon are always ranges of time.

    The new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter are specific points in time.  But we generalize them somewhat, especially the full moon.  It looks full for two or three days, but it is really only one instant in time when it is "officially" full.

    The in-between phases range from one of the previous to another.  Waxing crescent is from new moon to first quarter.  Waxing gibbous is from first quarter to full.  Waning gibbous is from full to last quarter.  And waning crescent is from last quarter to new.  These interim phase ranges each last seven days.

    Right now, the moon is very near the end of the waning crescent phase and will be new on August 1.  Note, new moon is the only time a solar eclipse can occur.  Lunar eclipses occur on the full moon.

  5. a day

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